Academic Integrity

Commitment to the principles of academic honesty and integrity is essential to the mission of Robert Cavelier University. To maintain an academic climate that is conducive to each student’s success, Robert Cavelier University has established a set of policies and standards

All work submitted in a course must be the student’s own work. The knowing submission of another’s work represented as that of the student without properly citing the source of the work will be considered plagiarism. Consequences for plagiarism include: receiving a failing grade on the assignment and being placed on academic probation, receiving a failing grade in the course and being placed on academic probation, or being dismissed from Robert Cavelier University. The consequences will be determined by and at the discretion of the Chief Academic Officer in consultation with the CEO and/or faculty members.

In making this determination, Robert Cavelier University may conduct an investigation to review past homework assignments submitted by the student and reserves the right to change past grades if plagiarism is subsequently found in previous assignments. The submission of the same work to multiple courses violates academic integrity unless substantially changed or cited as previous work. The submission of work completed by others violates academic integrity.

Students who are accused of academic dishonesty can appeal the determination to the Chief Academic Officer. Appeals must be made in writing and include supporting documentation. The Chief Academic Officer will review the appeal and documentation in consultation with the President and/or faculty members, as needed, and make a final decision on the academic dishonesty determination within five (5) days. Students will be notified of the decision on appeals in writing and all documentation will be added to the student’s record.