The Student Code of Conduct sets forth the standards of conduct expected of students at Robert Cavelier University. This code is not exhaustive, and students may be subject to disciplinary actions for other behavior and/or activities deemed unacceptable or disruptive to the goals and mission of Robert Cavelier University.
Students who violate these standards will be subject to disciplinary actions including, but not limited to, issuance of a warning, probation, termination, or permanent expulsion. Any and all disciplinary action will be recorded in the student’s academic record.
- All forms of academic dishonesty including, but not limited to, cheating, fabrication, facilitating academic dishonesty, and plagiarism.
- Use of any religious, inflammatory, or flagrant language in the online learning environment, including discussion boards.
- Use of any religious, inflammatory, or flagrant language related to Robert Cavelier University on social media or Robert Cavelier University social media accounts.
- Misrepresenting oneself as an official Robert Cavelier University spokesperson online or on social media.
- Engaging in a consensual romantic or sexual relationship with a Robert Cavelier University faculty or staff member while enrolled at Robert Cavelier University.
- Endangering, threatening, or causing harm to any member of the Robert Cavelier University community, causing reasonable apprehension of such harm or engaging in conduct or communications that a reasonable person would interpret as a serious expression of intent to harm.
- Impersonation of another, using another person’s identity or furnishing materially false information, including manufacturing or possession of false identification.
- Forgery, fabrication, falsification, unauthorized alteration, or misuse of university documents, records, or identification.
- Unauthorized use of university property and/or resources.
- Unauthorized access to, disclosure of, or use of any university document, record, or identification including, but not limited to, electronic software, data, and records.
- Interfering with or disrupting university or university-sponsored activities.
- Misuse, theft, misappropriation, destruction, damage, or unauthorized use, access, or reproduction of property, data, records, equipment, or services belonging to the university or belonging to another person or entity.
- Engaging in retaliation, harassment, or repeated contact that a reasonable person would understand to be unwanted, including, but not limited to, stalking and/or sexual harassment
- Engaging in any discriminatory activities as prohibited by applicable law or university policy.
- Interfering with any university disciplinary process.
- Engaging in any illegal sexual offense, including, but not limited to, sexual assault, public sexual indecency, or indecent exposure.
- Violation of any other university policy.
- Conduct that is illegal under state or local law.
Sexual and Other Harassment
Robert Cavelier University is committed to providing an educational environment free of sexual harassment. Robert Cavelier University policy prohibits sexual harassment and harassment based on pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, race, religious creed, color, gender, national origin or ancestry, physical or mental disability, medical condition, marital status, registered domestic partner status, age, sexual orientation or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law or ordinance or regulation.
Robert Cavelier University’s anti-harassment policy applies to all students, as well as to all faculty, staff, and administrators involved in the operation of Robert Cavelier University. It also prohibits harassment based on the perception that anyone has any of the above-described characteristics or is associated with a person who has or is perceived as having any of those characteristics.
Prohibited harassment includes, but is not limited to, the following behavior:
- Verbal or written conduct such as epithets, derogatory jokes or comments, slurs or unwanted sexual advances, invitations or comments;
- Visual displays such as derogatory and/or sexually-oriented posters, photography, cartoons, drawings, or gestures;
- Physical conduct including assault, unwanted touching, intentionally blocking normal movement or interfering with work because of sex, race, or any other protected basis;
- Retaliation for reporting or threatening to report harassment.
Probation, Suspensions, and Dismissal
Students who have been found to be in violation of any part of Robert Cavelier University’s Code of Conduct are subject to disciplinary action, including probation, suspension, and dismissal.
Students who violate the code will be notified via email, and will also be mailed a notification letter, after any and all investigations and hearings being conducted. The notice will include details regarding the violation and the associated consequence.
During probation, students are allowed to continue in the program. While under probation, students will be watched closely for additional violations of the Code of Conduct, as outlined in the notification letter. Students who do not violate the code of conduct during the probation period will be placed back into good standing. Students who make further violations will be suspended or dismissed from Robert Cavelier University.
During suspension, students are prohibited from continuing their program for one (1) to two (2) sessions, as indicated in the notification letter. Once the suspension has ended, students will rejoin the program on probation, and be watched closely for further violations of the Code of Conduct. Students who do not violate the code of conduct during the probation period will be placed back into good standing. Students who make further violations will be dismissed from Robert Cavelier University.
Depending on their severity, some violations will lead to immediate dismissal. Though this list is not exhaustive, students found cheating, harassing other students, or participating in illegal activities may be terminated from Robert Cavelier University immediately. Students expelled for these reasons will not be readmitted.
All disciplinary actions are subject to an appeal. Please see the appeals section for policy details.